
2020-07-15 16:30:01

隋森芳 博士

教授   博士生导师,中国科学院院士

1964-1970 bevictor伟德官网精密仪器系,学士
1978-1981 bevictor伟德官网工程物理系,硕士
1985-1988 德国慕尼黑工业大学生物物理所,博士
1989-1991 bevictor伟德官网生物科学与技术系,副教授
1991.1-至今 伟德国际victor1946(2009年9月以前为生物科学与技术系),教授、博导

●  研究兴趣、领域:



●  代表性论文:

1. Li ZQ, Chen S, Zhao L, Huang GQ, Xu H, Yang XY, Wang PY, Gao N, Sui SF*. (2023) Nuclear export of pre-60S particles through the nuclear pore complex. Nature, 618(7964):411-418.

2. You X, Zhang X, Cheng J, Xiao YN, Ma JF, Sun S, Zhang XZ*, Wang HW*, Sui SF*. (2023) In situ structure of the red algal phycobilisome–PSII–PSI–LHC megacomplex. Nature, 616(7955):199-206.

3. Sun S*, Sui SF. (2023) Structural insights into assembly of TRAPPII and its activation of Rab11/Ypt32. Curr Opin Struct Biol., 80:102596. (Review)

4. Li ZQ, Chen S, Zhao L , Huang GQ, Pi X , Sun S, Wang PY, Sui SF*. (2022) Near-atomic structure of the inner ring of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae nuclear pore complex. Cell Research, 32(5):437-450.

5. Mi CC, Zhang L, Huang GQ, Shao G, Yang F, You X, Dong MQ, Sun S*, Sui SF*. (2022) Structural basis for assembly of TRAPPII complex and specific activation of GTPase Ypt31/32. Science Advances, 8(4):eabi5603.

6. Xiao YN, Huang GQ, You X, Zhu Q, Wang W, Kuang TY, Han H*, Sui SF*, Shen JR*. (2021) Structural insights into cyanobacterial photosystem II intermediates associated with Psb28 and Tsl0063. Nat Plants, 7(8):1132-1142.

7. Sui SF*. (2021) Structure of Phycobilisomes. Annu Rev Biophys., 50:53-72.

8. Hu MQ, Yang F, Huang YW, You X, Liu D, Sun S*, Sui SF*. (2021) Structural insights into the mechanism of human NPC1L1-mediated cholesterol uptake. Science Advances, 7(29):eabg3188.

9. Ma J, You X, Sun S, Wang X, Qin S, Sui SF*. (2020) Structural basis of energy transfer in Porphyridium purpureum phycobilisome. Nature, 579(7797):146-151.

10. Pi X, Zhao S, Wang W, Liu D, Xu C, Han G, Kuang T*, Sui SF*, Shen JR*. (2019) The pigment-protein network of a diatom photosystem II-light-harvesting antenna supercomplex. Science, 365(6452):eaax4406.

11. Huang X, Sun S, Wang X, Fan F, Zhou Q, Lu S, Cao Y, Wang QW, Dong MQ, Yao J, Sui SF*. (2019) Mechanistic insights into the SNARE complex disassembly. Science Advances, 5(4):eaau8164.

12. Qin X, Pi X, Wang W, Han G, Zhu L, Liu M, Cheng L, Shen JR, Kuang T*, Sui SF*. (2019) Structure of a green algal photosystem I in complex with a large number of light-harvesting complex I subunits. Nat Plants, 5(3):263-272.

13. Pi X, Tian L, Dai HE, Qin X, Cheng L, Kuang T, Sui SF*, Shen JR*. (2018) Unique organization of photosystem I-light-harvesting supercomplex revealed by cryo-EM from a red alga. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 115(17):4423-4428.

14. Zhang J, Ma J, Liu D, Qin S, Sun S*, Zhao J, Sui SF*. (2017) Structure of phycobilisome from the red alga Griffithsia pacifica. Nature, 551(7678):57-63.

15. Hu Z, Zhou Q, Zhang C, Fan S, Cheng W, Zhao Y, Shao F, Wang HW, Sui SF*, Chai J*. (2015) Structural and Biochemical Basis for Induced Self-propagation of NLRC4. Science, 350(6259):399-404.

●  联系方式:

E-mail: suisf@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn
Lab website: http://suilab.life.tsinghua.edu.cn/