戚益军 教授
2004-2006 ,美国冷泉港实验室,博士后
● 研究兴趣、领域:
● 开设的课程:
● 代表性论文:
1. Xie, D.#, Chen, M.#, Niu, J.#, Wang, L., Li, Y., Fang, X., Li, P. and Qi, Y.* (2021) Phase separation of Serrate drives dicing body assembly and promotes miRNA processing in Arabidopsis. Nature Cell Biology, 23: 32-39. Highlighted in Nature Cell Biology, 23:3-10, 2021
2. Jiang, P.#, Lian, B.#, Liu, C., Fu, Z., Shen, Y., Cheng, Z.* and Qi, Y.* (2020) 21-nt phasiRNAs direct target mRNA cleavage in rice male germ cells. Nature Communications, 11:5191
3. Fang, X.#, Zhao, G.#, Zhang S., Li, Y., Gu, H., Li, Y., Zhao, Q. and Qi, Y.* (2019) Chloroplast-to-nucleus signaling regulates microRNA biogenesis in Arabidopsis. Developmental Cell, 48: 371-382
4. Liu, C.#, Xin, Y.#, Xu, L.#, Cai, Z., Xue, Y., Liu, Liu, C., Xin, Y., Xu, L., Cai, Z., Xue, Y., Liu, Y., Xie, D., Liu, Y. and Qi, Y.* (2018) Arabidopsis ARGONAUTE1 binds chromatin to promote gene transcription in response to hormone and stress stimuli. Developmental Cell, 44 (3): 348-361. Highlighted in Developmental Cell 44: 277-279, 2018
5. Ye, R. #, Chen, Z. #, Lian, B., Rowley, M., Xia, N., Chai, J., Li, Y., Wierzbicki A., and Qi, Y.* (2016) A Dicer-independent route for biogenesis of siRNAs that direct DNA methylation in Arabidopsis. Molecular Cell, 61: 222-235.
6. Fang, X., Cui, Y., Li, Y., and Qi, Y.* (2015) Transcription and processing of primary miRNAs are coupled by Elongator complex in Arabidopsis. Nature Plants, doi:10.1038/nplants.2015.75.
7. Gao, M. #, Wei, W. #, Li, M. #, Wu, Y., Ba, Z., Jin K.-X., Li, M.-M., Liao, Y.-Q., Adhikari S., Chong, Z., Zhang, T., Guo, C.-X., Tang, T.-S., Zhu, B.-T., Xu, X.-Z., Mailand, N., Yang, Y.*, Qi, Y.*, and Rendtlew Danielsen, J. (2014) Ago2 Facilitates Rad51 recruitment and DNA double-strand break repair by homologous recombination. Cell Research,24:532-541.
8. Wu, X., Shi, Y., Li, J., Xu, L., Fang, Y., Li, X., and Qi, Y.* (2013). A role for the RNA-binding protein MOS2 in microRNA maturation in Arabidopsis. Cell Research,23: 645-657.
9. Ye, R. #, Wang, W. #, Iki, T., Liu, C., Wu, Y., Ishikawa M., Zhou, X., and Qi, Y.* (2012). Cytoplasmic assembly and selective nuclear import of Arabidopsis ARGONAUTE4/siRNA complexes. Molecular Cell, 46: 859-870. Highlighted in Molecular Cell 46: 719-721, 2012
10. Wei, W. #, Ba, Z. #, Gao, M., Wu, Y., Ma, Y., Amiard, S., White, C., Danielsen, J., Yang, Y., and Qi, Y.* (2012). A role for small RNAs in DNA double-strand break repair. Cell, 149:101-112. Highlighted in Nature Review Genetics 13:299, 2012; Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 13: 282, 2012; and Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 19: 470, 2012 Recommended on Faculty of 1000 ( http://f1000.com/prime/14263986)
11. Wang, W. #, Ye, R. #, Xin, Y., Feng, X., Li, C., Zhou, X., and Qi, Y.* (2011). An Importin β protein negatively regulates microRNA activity in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell, 23: 3565-3576. (Cover story)
12. Wu, L. #, Zhou, H. #, Zhang, Q., Ni, F., Liu, C., and Qi, Y.* (2010). DNA methylation mediated by a microRNA pathway. Molecular Cell, 38: 465-475. (Cover story) Highlighted in Cell, 141: 556, 2010.
13. Wu, L., Zhang, Q., Zhou, H., Ni, F., Wu, X., and Qi, Y.* (2009). Rice microRNA effector complexes and targets. The Plant Cell, 21: 3421-3435.
14. Mi, S. #, Cai, T. #, Hu Y., Chen Y., Hodges E., Ni F., Wu L., Li S., Zhou H., Long C., Chen S., Hannon G., and Qi, Y.* (2008) Sorting of small RNAs into Arabidopsis Argonaute complexes is directed by the 5’ terminal nucleotide. Cell, 133: 116-127. This work was featured in Cell 133:25-26, 2008.
15. Zhao, T. #, Li, G. #, Mi, S., Li, S., Hannon, G., Wang, X.-J.*, and Qi, Y*. (2007). A complex system of small RNAs in the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Genes and Development, 29: 1190-1203. (*co-corresponding authors) Highlighted in: Cell 129:1029, 2007; Genes and Development 21: 1153-1156, 2007; Nature 447: 5, 2007; Nature 447: 518, 2007; Nature Review Genetics 8: 406, 2007; ACS Chemical Biology 2: 436-437, 2007
● 荣誉、奖励:
● 联系方式:
E-mail: qiyijun@tsinghua.edu.cn