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2022-07-19 02:32:58












电话: +86 10 62795305

手机: +86 13164201518

E-mail: yhliu624@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn


电话: +86 21 61593553

手机: +86 15921237622

E-mail: min.wei@bayer.com


2022 Bayer Investigator Award and Microfunding Call for Proposals

Tsinghua has been in strategic partnership with Bayer since 2009. In Apr 2022, Tsinghua and Bayer renewed another three years of strategic collaboration, which is the 5th phase strategic partnership. Bayer has been actively supporting professors in Tsinghua for innovation exploration. Currently, two fundings from Bayer namely the Bayer Investigator Award and Microfunding are open for application.

Bayer Investigator Award

Bayer Investigator Award is presented annually since 2009 to Tsinghua Investigators for their scientific excellence in the research field relevant to Bayer Pharma R&D. In 2022, Bayer will support up to three investigators in Tsinghua, each selected Bayer Investigator will receive 150 kCNY award, and will get connected to Bayer scientists for potential research collaboration discussion.

Bayer Microfunding

To encourage research translation in drug discovery, Bayer will support Tsinghua in three Microfunding projects by an aggregate amount of up to 1.2 million CNY per year. Each Microfunding project can be funded with up to a total of 400 kCNY for a maximum duration of two years. The funding is to support Tsinghua Investigators to freely explore innovation translation, therefore, any project results deriving from a Microfunding project will solely be owned by Tsinghua.

Please note that ,

1)The same person shall not be selected as Bayer Investigator and recipient of Microfunding simultaneously in the same calendar year.

2)The applications open to the Principle Investigators(PIs)in the area of life sciences, medicine or pharmaceuticals

3) The application deadline is August 20th, 2022.

More information regarding the application and selection process can be found in the attachment.

Please send your application to Tsinghua or Bayer alliance managers:

Yinghui Liu (Institute of Biomedicine,THU)

Tel: +86 10 62795305 Mobile: +86 13164201518 E-mail: yhliu624@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn

Min Wei(Collaborate to Cure Hub China Bayer Pharmaceuticals)

Tel: +86 21 61593553 Mobile: +86 15921237622 E-mail: min.wei@bayer.com
